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 10 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Vigilius Erichsen"Advanced Search
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Catherine II (1729-96), Empress of Russia, 1749-1782. Creator: Vigilius Erichsen.
Portrait of Lorenz Spengler, Ivory Turner and Curator of the Royal Danish Kunstkammer, 1756-1757. Creator: Vigilius Erichsen.
Gertrud Sabine Spengler, nee Trott, 1756-1758. Creator: Vigilius Erichsen.
Catherine II of Russia in coronation dress, 1766 Creator: Vigilius Erichsen.
The Dowager Queen Juliane Marie of Denmark, 1776. Creator: Vigilius Erichsen.
Catherine II of Russia in Life Guard Uniform on the horse Brillante, 1782.  Creator: Vigilius Erichsen.
The Dowager Queen Juliane Marie of Denmark, 1778. Creator: Vigilius Erichsen.
'Portrait of the Empress Catherine the Great', after 1762. Artist: Vigilius Erichsen
'Empress Catherine II before the Mirror', 1779.  Artist: Vigilius Erichsen
'Portrait of Empress Catherine II', 18th century. Artist: Vigilius Erichsen